Top 5 Benefits of Targeted Digital Marketing

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Marketing is one of the most important expenses in business, and brands of all sizes know it. Last year, digital marketing spending in the US surpassed $200 billion, and that’s only likely to increase in the coming years.

Well, spending more money might help your campaign. Although, it simply isn’t feasible for most small businesses still struggling during the pandemic. Luckily, there are ways to improve your marketing efforts without breaking the bank.

Let’s talk about targeted digital marketing, what it is, and the benefits of using it in your strategy this year!

What Is Targeted Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the process of using online resources to build traffic to your website, brand awareness, or sales leads. Conversely, this is done with a wide variety of tools, including:

  • Paid advertising
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Search engine marketing (SEM)
  • Social media marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Influencer marketing

The list goes on, but these are some of the most popular examples.

However, there are many ways marketers can target their intended audiences more precisely. For example, some ad programs, like paid search, have specializations. These include filters and targeting options to help you reach your intended audience more closely.

Of course, this is based on the individual user, their location, their search and purchase histories, demographic information, and so much more.

Although, paid advertisements are far from the only example. Any of the digital marketing tools mentioned above (along with others) can easily be targeted more specifically to intended online users, which offers many benefits to brands trying to expand their reach. Let’s talk about that.

Benefits of Targeted Digital Marketing

Now that you know how targeted marketing works, there are many practical advantages to using this approach. Here are some of the most important examples!

1. Saving Money

If you run a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign, you lose money every time someone clicks on your advertisement without making the intended conversion. Well, with most conversion rates struggling to exceed 2%, this is a serious challenge for small businesses.

However, by appropriately targeting your marketing efforts, you will ultimately improve your conversion rates and limit the number of unnecessary clicks your campaigns receive.

Generally, smaller-scale marketing campaigns, not only PPC, will require a smaller initial investment, which is a lot more budget-friendly. Small businesses should try to save as much as they can, considering they’re supposed to spend 7% to 8% of revenue on marketing.

2. Increasing Brand Awareness

Let’s try a word experiment to show the value of brand awareness.

Think of a blue, square button with a white “F” in the middle of it. What company comes to mind?

See, the social media giant is so popular that a quick description of their logo is all you need to know what we’re talking about. However, we only chose a tech giant because they’re known by just about everyone.

Conversely, there are thousands of brands out there that have the same quality of recognition among their intended audiences, no matter how niche their products are. Many cosmetic brands, running shoe brands, and others are as recognizable to their intended audiences as Facebook or Google.

If your brand is selling highly specific guitar merchandise, then there’s not much value in increasing brand awareness among non-musicians, right?

Fortunately, your brand can do the same thing with the right planning and implementation. By targeting your programmatic marketing, you can start solidifying your brand’s identity into the minds of your intended audience.

3. Improved Efficiency

Of course, targeted marketing is bound to be far more efficient than marketing that isn’t targeted, especially if you have a niche brand. Not only will this help improve conversion rates, but it will limit the amount of time it takes for your marketing strategy to come to fruition.

4. Customer Engagement

By targeting your campaigns to the right customers, especially when using the right personalization tools, you can engage your customers at every step of the buying process. From the minute they click on your ad to follow-up emails after, you can keep your customers engaged and eager for more.

Ultimately, engaging with your customers through the buying process and beyond will lead to repeat customers and brand loyalty. Remember, paying for new customers is half the battle, but keeping them is just as important.

5. Generate Free Traffic

When you target your ads correctly, you are essentially confirming to Google and other search engines that you are what you say you are. Essentially, you’re establishing your authority and credibility in the online sphere.

Over time, a well-implemented digital marketing strategy will lead to an easier time building organic traffic on search engines, app stores, eCommerce sites, or anywhere you need to optimize your content.

For example, Google needs assurance about your location, products, services, and more to match your website with the right users. Therefore, location-based targeting followed by appropriate content marketing will help them properly index your site.

Once Google learns to trust your authority on the given topic, you will eventually rank higher, which drives more traffic. There’s an old joke that the affiliate marketer hid the dead body on the second page of Google, and there is value in that lesson!

Boost Your Campaigns Today

Now that you know what targeted digital marketing can do for your strategy, there’s no time like the present to get started. The sooner you do, the sooner you will see results in your campaign’s performance!

Stay up to date with our latest marketing tips and feel free to contact us with any questions or for help with your campaign!

Specificity Inc
410 Ware Blvd Ste 508
Tampa, FL 33619
(813) 364-4744

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