Make your spend at an industry expo or conference count!
Companies pay insane amounts of money to attend or exhibit at industry specific conferences because they draw their ideal prospects and nothing beats face to face engagement. The problem being, you don’t get to talk to everyone in those couple days, and if you do you capture their email and we know how effective email marketing is these days. With Event Blueprint you can!
You can customize your messaging for pre-show, during the show and post-show audiences.
Track different metrics
- Conversions
- Engagement
- Put-thru
- Lead generation
Serve ads anywhere your audience goes in the digital realm
- Social, Display, In app display, mobile/desktop, OTT
- Statics and Video ads
Optimize in real time to make campaigns smarter based on audience response
- Message optimization
- Channel optimization
- Creative optimization
- Conversion optimization
We create a destination conversion audience based off the show floor mapping to track exactly how many people we drove to your booth through our marketing efforts, outside of tracking the engagement and leads from the online channels.
We can target three different ways for a conference/expo event:
Targeting Comparison for an Industry-Specific Conference/Expo
Event Blueprint gets you in front of the right people in your industry, through specific event targeting. Schedule a call today to learn how! We promise it’ll be worth the 20 minutes.